
Last Update : 15 August, 2023 | Published : 28 June, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Install IntelOps UI for your design needs.

Note: You can see the template in Intelops UI private repo

Package Prerequisites

Note: Since this is a private repo, just installing using npm won’t download the packages, we need to follow a few more steps - adding GitHub PATs to your VScode.

How to add GitHub Personal Access Tokens to your VsCode

To install the published UI packages into your code:

  1. Create a .npmrc file inside the root directory of the Intelops UI private repo
  2. Add the below two lines in the npmrc file
    • registry=
    • auth_token={Personal access token generated using intelops private github account}
  3. Now add the below line in package.json file under dependencies
    • “@intelops/intelops_ui”: “1.0.3”


"@intelops/intelops_ui": "1.0.3"

After adding the .npmrc file before installation run :

npm login

This will ask for your :

  • Username: {github username}
  • Password: {personal access token that you’ve added in your .npmrc file}

Now you ready to start your installation.


Now to install the package, run one of the following commands in your project:


npm install @intelops/intelops_ui@1.0.3


yarn add @intelops/intelops_ui@latest --registry=

After installation make sure to check if the latest version of the common ui package has been installed under node_modules folder.

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